Poison Envy


Ecclesiastes 9:6 Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished;

CAUTION! Poison Envy: Symptoms include, self-betrayal, disillusionment and discontentment. 

Envy is fueled by insecurity. When someone is prettier, has a better position, nicer home/cars/belongings, we feel inferior and place our own confidence under attack. 

The dictionary term for ENVY

~a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, and/or success~ 

Envy is complex because it is borderline love & hate at the same time. It's the admiration of someone while coveting what they have.

Envy creates an obstacle to the connection between ourselves and the person - because we are only focused on the threat to our confidence. 

When feelings of envy arise, you may assume that the person is receiving the attention or adoration that you want for yourself; but, have you stopped and asked that person about themselves? (You will want to note that YOU are the only one who is actually giving this undesirable attention to them - remember that!)

Take this #quote from Robin S. Sharma "we see the world not as it is but as we are. Most of us see through the eyes of our fears, limiting beliefs, and false assumptions."

When you are envious toward someone, you not only betray yourself but God who made you who you are and placed you where He chose you to be!

How can you possibly focus on your own success, beauty, ect, while considering what you think others have over you? If you had more information on the person you are envious of, you may re-think that envy...you may learn of their hidden fears, sorrows and painful experiences...

By asking them, you just may find out for yourself - and there is no better way to connect with them AND get over yourself!

I have been stunned many times over the years when I realized others have been envious of me. I feel there is nothing I possess to warrant it. I prefer to reach out to them and let them know "the real me"!

Look at this: if it wasn't for envy, many businesses wouldn't operate! Creating competition (attacking your confidence) is a great marketing tool because people spend billions each year keeping up with the Joneses. 

Big companies love this and all their marketing efforts go into promising a 'new you'. These advertisements are designed to keep you concerned that what you have is outdated. 

Friends, this is wrong on every level - especially if you are using loans & credit to make these purchases! So, rather than getting all envious with another, start building upon your own confidence - and as you blossom into a beautiful person, you will be too busy to notice how someone else is building on theirs.


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