What You Need To Know About Losing Your Salvation
Everybody knows about the Great Falling Away. In fact, today's Christian is anything but! Present day Christianity permits every sin under the sun with the assurance of eternal security because God is Love. I'd like to caution you from a false sense of security or salvation. God is love, that is for sure, but you have to make Jesus your LORD before you have Him as Savior. On January 8, 2022, Bill C-4 was passed in Canada criminalizing all teaching against the world view of cisgender and heterosexuality. It's insane to believe that any man can live in total opposition to a Holy God and think he will be welcome to His Eternal Dwelling! I stand in opposition that Biblical Morality is myth. It is the very Truth of God - no matter what man may say. God's Authority is Final! Anxiety and depression are the two greatest things people require medication for. It's no wonder! We are living proof that a life apart from Christ - or Biblical Morality as some put it, blocks peace...